Purchase of water heaters for each bathroomNone of our bathrooms at Toro Babies Home have warm or hot water. When the bathrooms were renovated, there was simply not enough money for this. The water for bathing the children is heated in the kitchen using gas or firewood. The laundry is washed by the children's carers with cold water and soap. We would very much like to be able ... read more
Baby Home
New mattresses for Toro Babies Home
Thanks very much for the donation of new mattresses to Partnerschaft Gesunde Welt Foundation, Germany. ... read more
Merry Christmas!
Anyone who doesn't believe in miracles has never seen an abandoned baby in distress! Dear friends and companions! Belief in a miracle has never been as necessary as it is at the moment. A look at our children who are too parentless, who often have to fight their way through life with unbridled strength and defy various adversities, gives us reason to hope. Hope that ... read more